Lift the Chorus Centennial Endowment Campaign

About The Chorus

Since 1920, the Cornell University Chorus has been bringing music to the Cornell community. Over the years we have developed into an premier treble ensemble able to tour, commission new pieces, and perform annual concerts. As a student-run organization, the Chorus provides rich leadership opportunities and connects current members to a network of several thousand alumnae. The Chorus promotes musical diversity, the empowerment of women and gender minorities, and excellence in both musicianship and leadership.

About the Endowment

The Elizabeth A. Gale Endowment Fund for Women's Chorus began in 1995. The Endowment Account provides a stable source of income for the Cornell University Chorus. Its annual payout covers operating expenses such as commissioning costs, concert expenses, and tour. Gifts to the endowment are never directly spent; instead, they perpetually fund the Chorus’ future activities.

About the Campaign

To celebrate our 100th year, the Chorus has launched the “Lift the Chorus” Endowment Campaign. We are so grateful for your help getting us to reach our goal of growing our endowment to $1 million by our Centennial celebration. Now we ask for your help to support the next 100 years of Chorus. At this level, the endowment could fund:

  • Community Initiatives

volunteer performances; workshops with high school and youth choirs; annual leadership conference open to all

  • Commissioning Projects

“No Whining, No Flowers” commissioning project supporting treble music and female composers; major works commissions; collaborations with major composers; supporting student composition work at Cornell

  • Collaboration

joint performances and tours with the Cornell Glee Club; participation in treble festivals; collaboration with orchestras and other music groups

  • Tours

touring annually; covering all touring expenses for members; touring internationally every four years; competing in choral competitions across the world

  • Leadership

fostering development of critical budget management, event planning, networking, administration, and group coordination skills; engaging students of various backgrounds, majors, and skill sets in leadership; maintaining student-run tradition of the group

Since launching the Campaign, we have already doubled the size of our endowment, have reached 100% participation among the members of our Alumnae Advisory Council, and exceeded our initial $1 million goal. Join us today! Give a gift to our Endowment and be a part of the Cornell University Chorus’ history and future.