By Sarah Cooke, 01/12
Day two complete!
Today was our full day in Montreal! We were given free time in the morning to explore the city and see some cool sights! I was happy to sleep in and then for breakfast I went to Tim Hortons! As a Philadelphian I would classify Tim Hortons as a knock-off Wawa, but sorry Canada, it’s not as good.
My group and I then walked by the Notre-Dame Basilica while on our way to the waterfront. The water front ended up being more of a snow front since it was mainly iced over with a layer of snow on top. So far it’s been a mild winter in Philly and Ithaca, so seeing all of the snow and getting to really wear my snow boots felt like a great way to get in the winter mindset!
For lunch we tried a cute salad/bowl place called Mandy’s which was super yummy! This lunch concluded our free time and we then headed to the Christ Church Cathedral to prepare for our first concert!

There we had a rehearsal and got to listen and meet the Yale Glee Club! After rehearsal we all went to the Underground City for dinner. It was more of a multistory mall with a food court in the basement. There we properly met some of the Yale Glee Clubbers and got some good food! After dinner some friends and I went for a walk through the mall and found an arcade that had free tea cup rides which we made sure to take advantage of!

We sang during the first half of the concert running our first half of our tour music set and the Yale Glee Club sang during the second half. They sounded amazing and even had a few student conductors which was really cool! At the end of the concert we sang two pieces together as one choir. Afterwards we had a mixer with the Yale Glee Club a short walk away where we were able to meet and talk with the other group which was so much fun! They are on their own mini tour and will be traveling to New York City tomorrow to conclude their tour. We also learned that they also like to add GL- to the beginning of words just like us Gloristers.
I had a blast in Montreal and hope to explore the city more in the future! It was my first time to Canada, and it did not disappoint! First concert was a success and I am excited to head to our next stop tomorrow!