By Summer You, 01/19
January 19th started with an unexpected snowstorm! Washington D.C. was evidently unprepared for snow, so my homestay group took an alternate route to meet with the rest of Glorus in the morning. We toured the Capitol building together; there were lots of old paintings and sculptures that were well preserved and displayed historical but outdated perspectives of the American population at the time of the artwork’s creation. The most memorable was the portrait monument to suffrage pioneers: I found it intriguing how the sculpture was left intentionally unfinished to symbolize the ongoing fight for gender equality in the US.
After enjoying some warm pho at a nearby restaurant, my friends and I headed for the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in the afternoon. I personally am a HUGE fan of museums so I had a lot of fun seeing all the sections. I loved playing around with the interactive gadgets in the Human Origins hall and fantasizing about all the different colorful gems in the gemstone hall. My friends and I also took some pictures with casts of dinosaurs and prehistoric humans.

We arrived at the Church of Epiphany for our soundcheck before the concert around 6PM. Everyone was talking about how we were almost done with the tour and how we hoped to end this tour on a good final note. Some Glorus members prepared gifts for our directors and tour managers and got many members to sign them, which was super sweet and wholesome. The concert went very well and I thought it had some of our best performances of songs that we previously struggled with. Dr. Nieh also laughed at our tour burn so I call that a success!