Tour Throwback: Sarasota Free Day! — Cornell University Chorus

Tour Throwback: Sarasota Free Day!

Sydney Hertafeld '18

Today we had a free day at the beach! The bus barely had time to open its doors as we burst out and sprinted to the shore. The first thing I noticed as my feet hit the sand was how incredibly soft it was, like a luxurious blanket soothing my concert-shoe-induced blisters. In the words of Brianna, the Chorus Social Media Chair, “it felt like if flour and sand had a baby”. The more I ran the freer I felt. All of the little aches from long bus rides melted away. The water was a bit of a shock—about ten degrees colder than we were prepared for, but that didn’t stop us from frolicking through the waves, taking majestic beach pictures and having a cartwheel contest that spun out of control and into the water. It was exactly what the chorus needed.

            As beautiful as the beach was, what really made this day was all of the Chorus bonding that I felt throughout the day. People branched out from their usual friend groups to join in on spontaneous yoga sessions in the sand or take a plunge into the icy water or to turn Kennedy into a sand mermaid. I made so many new connections and ended the day looking forward to growing those connections It was truly a day of Chorus love.   
