Endowment Drive Update
June 3rd, 2016
As we move towards our centennial anniversary goal of $1 million, the Chorus will focus its energy on revitalizing the Endowment Drive. This year on Giving Day, the Chorus was able to raise $3,620 with the help of our generous alumnae and friends. We will continue to use opportunities like these to focus on the Endowment and the future stability and growth of the Chorus.
As we complete an enormously successful year, it is important for us to remember the opportunities we were lucky enough to have and to realize that future opportunities will not be possible without the Endowment. The Chorus has transformed the college experience for many women, and we hope that the Endowment will allow future generations of Chorus women to enjoy the musical and cultural opportunities that we have been lucky enough to have this year, exemplified by our successful tour to Mexico and Guatemala.
We hope our plans for next year, including the collegiate women’s choir conference, will expand the Chorus’ presence within the University and on a national scale. It is important for us to recognize the Chorus’ growth, but also to realize that the Endowment will help us move towards a brighter and better future, both musically and organizationally.
The Endowment helps the Chorus provide opportunities and memories to its members that will last a lifetime. If you are interested in supporting the future financial stability of the Chorus so that we can continue to provide these opportunities, please visit our website to “Lift the Chorus!” Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Emma Keteltas ‘17
Endowment Chair